That's quite good writing, you could be the next minus his unhappy ending, of course. There's a new widget out there to publish your stories on, perfect for this sorta thing It's better than quite good, while reading, you hang on every word :)
It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance last weekend! I don't think I asked, but do you get a commission on sales? Could you PM me a link to the store, I need a low end system...
Super cool writing! You managed to add vivid details, which amplifies your scene, without saturating it with flowery, showy writing. I can't wait for more.
Thanks UNU! I think I might remove the blood pools in the snow, at least the ones spotted around randomly (there could still be one from the vine-arms being cut through!). I Included it as I was making this story up during an IM conversation with a friend back home, and Angela Carter's "The Snow Child" popped into my mind. I was definitely influenced on the landscape by her poem, but if I want to continue adding to it, it would be detrimental to leave in that obvious an influence in the long run.
Thanks again! ^_^