Got about seven hours to kill before the computer/electronics stores open in the morning. I'm not sure what to do from now until then. I'm posting a picture of a duck I edited in Photoshop. Not sure it is related. Actually - I'm sure it is not related. But people do strange things when stressed and tired. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
Jesus Christmas.
I wish I had the skills in Photoshop that you have. Only taking 1 full computer art course (taking a second one now) doesn't really compare to what I assume is years of experience though haha.
Compared to the original, this looks so much smoother and defined. Nice =D.
Thank you. What kind of stuff are you doing on the computer art course? Man, I'd love to go back to college or uni - good luck with your digital artwork and stop by the Art forum so peeps can see some of it! ^_^