As far back as I can remember, they've scared the crap outta me. I can't help it. I kind of freak out internally and just worry "what if-". What if a whole bunch of stupid fuckin shit. You're prollies thinking the first worry would be something along the lines of, "What if it's a real gun in disguise?" Uh uh - nope. No, it is far stupider than that. And I'm not gonna admit it here. I'm just gonna allude to it and let your wonderful brains work out the rest.
Same goes for hand gestures that look like guns. You know - where you point your index finger out, or like.. your index and middle finger pointing out and your thumb cocked back (hah.. cocked) - BUT SERIOUSLY. I do that sometimes. *pew pew* But I always aim just to the side, so if it accidentally.. somehow.. went off, I wouldn't kill my friend/neighbour/boss/WHOEVER. I'd thank you to do the same.
JUST in case.