...back soon with art splosions
These thoughts and opinions are my own and not that of my employer.
Samsung Consultant
University of the Arts, Philly
Abington, PA
Joined on 2/18/08
I don't want to hear your excuses - GET ARTING D:<
I'm busy packing my suitcases! D:<
Needs more orange
...need to make some art splosions of my own
I hear paint splatters go for a lot of money these days. Also rotten fruit on pedestals. Should make a few of 'em and sell 'em to the Louvre or something.
Or give myself a paint enema all over a canvas. Heard that's p. cool too.
i be back to, but no art splosions, just regular splosions
Fadinggggg awayyyyyyy.....
so pushy. i got shit to do yo
I like the part in art where people use the colour green.
I like the part where they actually make something.. anything. aack