Unbeknownst to me, this little monster tried to steal POX's artwork ages ago, along with a few other artists. Then, I get hit by the little dirtbag. Somehow, I managed to dodge a (really rubbish) bullet by being lazy.
Here's the IM from earlier:
Gozugoatchef (12:44:32 AM): hi
JoyJemWhatever (12:44:49 AM): Hi, who is this?
Gozugoatchef (12:44:56 AM): i like ur artwork
JoyJemWhatever (12:45:20 AM): Thanks. It seems you have me at a loss. Did you find me through Newgrounds?
Gozugoatchef (12:45:26 AM): yea
JoyJemWhatever (12:45:32 AM): What is your name?
Gozugoatchef (12:45:38 AM): i dont have an account
Gozugoatchef (12:45:46 AM): i just decided to browse it
Gozugoatchef (12:45:52 AM): and i saw a post u made in the art forum
Gozugoatchef (12:45:55 AM): caught my eye
JoyJemWhatever (12:45:57 AM): No worries, I just meant your first name.
Gozugoatchef (12:46:01 AM): oh
Gozugoatchef (12:46:02 AM): Sam
JoyJemWhatever (12:46:08 AM): Hi Sam, I'm Joy.
Gozugoatchef (12:46:14 AM): hi joy
Gozugoatchef (12:46:17 AM): i was wondering
Gozugoatchef (12:46:19 AM): if u do like
Gozugoatchef (12:46:21 AM): requests?
JoyJemWhatever (12:46:33 AM): Like, comissions?
Gozugoatchef (12:46:53 AM): as in
JoyJemWhatever (12:46:53 AM): commissions*
Gozugoatchef (12:47:09 AM): if u could draaw something 4 me?
JoyJemWhatever (12:47:48 AM): Depends what it was that you wanted drawing, and also whether you were likely to pay me for it.
Gozugoatchef (12:48:26 AM): how much money do u have in mind joy?
JoyJemWhatever (12:49:31 AM): Actually, right now probably isn't a good time. As much as I like drawing, I actually need to find a real job at the moment. I've just moved to the area and need to get my arse in gear.
JoyJemWhatever (12:49:43 AM): Where abouts are you based?
JoyJemWhatever (12:49:51 AM): I mean, what state/country.
Gozugoatchef (12:49:51 AM): australia
JoyJemWhatever (12:49:57 AM): Ah.
Gozugoatchef (12:49:59 AM): tasmania,australia
JoyJemWhatever (12:50:24 AM): Can I ask how old you are?
JoyJemWhatever (12:50:36 AM): I don't suppose it is relevant, but I like to know.
Gozugoatchef (12:50:47 AM): 19
Gozugoatchef (12:50:53 AM): i turn 20 this year though
Gozugoatchef (12:51:01 AM): july 8th
JoyJemWhatever (12:51:12 AM): Hehe.
JoyJemWhatever (12:51:21 AM): Sorry, not trying to interview you or anything.
Gozugoatchef (12:51:26 AM): lol its oj
Gozugoatchef (12:51:28 AM): ok*
Gozugoatchef (12:51:50 AM): so yeah, i saw your art work and was wondering if i could have a quick request?
JoyJemWhatever (12:52:17 AM): What kind of quick request?
Gozugoatchef (12:52:26 AM): its gonna sound wierd ><
Gozugoatchef (12:52:31 AM): but anyway,
JoyJemWhatever (12:52:35 AM): >_>
Gozugoatchef (12:52:43 AM): i need a mushroom infected with rabies / anthrax
JoyJemWhatever (12:52:59 AM): Sounds like an album cover.
Gozugoatchef (12:53:06 AM): lol
Gozugoatchef (12:53:23 AM): its actually for the backround of my phone
Gozugoatchef (12:53:25 AM): :P
Gozugoatchef (12:53:37 AM): i was imaging its eyes + mouth on the stalk
Gozugoatchef (12:53:51 AM): with no nose and for white throffy stuff to be dripping out of its mouth
JoyJemWhatever (12:54:30 AM): I can see it in my head, seems pretty cool.
Gozugoatchef (12:54:36 AM): yeah
JoyJemWhatever (12:54:41 AM): But, again, I really need to concentrate on getting a job.
JoyJemWhatever (12:54:47 AM): Sorry.
Gozugoatchef (12:54:54 AM): it would only take like an hour no?
JoyJemWhatever (12:55:28 AM): Have you tried drawing it yourself?
Gozugoatchef (12:55:33 AM): yeah
Gozugoatchef (12:55:35 AM): failed miserably
Gozugoatchef (12:55:37 AM): lol.
JoyJemWhatever (12:55:45 AM): Do you have a scanned version?
JoyJemWhatever (12:55:54 AM): Digital version, even.
Gozugoatchef (12:55:58 AM): nope..
Gozugoatchef (12:56:07 AM): i could try drawing it in pain if u wanted?
Gozugoatchef (12:56:18 AM): i only want the image to be like 200x200 in size
Gozugoatchef (12:56:24 AM): paint* sorry
JoyJemWhatever (12:56:36 AM): 200px?
Gozugoatchef (12:56:44 AM): yeah
Gozugoatchef (12:57:02 AM): 200x200 in dimensions
Gozugoatchef (12:57:32 AM): and just to have a faint backround, like a sea of blood
JoyJemWhatever (12:58:17 AM): A sea of blood? Like, as you see it from the shore, or as a liquid wall behind the mushroom?
Gozugoatchef (12:58:38 AM): liquid wall
Gozugoatchef (1:00:38 AM): also any where i can view some more of ur art work?
JoyJemWhatever (1:01:13 AM): I have an outdated website that could go down any moment. http://www.cosmicdeath.co.uk
JoyJemWhatever (1:01:35 AM): Or my deviantart gallery. http://www.cosmicdeath.deviantart.com
JoyJemWhatever (1:01:42 AM): Do you have any work up online?
JoyJemWhatever (1:01:52 AM): Or any profiles/sites?
Gozugoatchef (1:02:28 AM): nah im not good enough to put stuff online
Gozugoatchef (1:04:22 AM): nice stuff you got there
JoyJemWhatever (1:04:38 AM): Thanks.
Gozugoatchef (1:05:45 AM): so whatcha doing now?
JoyJemWhatever (1:06:04 AM): Making my brain work.
JoyJemWhatever (1:06:13 AM): And you?
Gozugoatchef (1:06:17 AM): lol
Gozugoatchef (1:06:42 AM): so you wont have any time to start that mushroom?
Gozugoatchef (1:07:06 AM): meh im just playing a game with some mates
JoyJemWhatever (1:07:17 AM): What game are you playing?
Gozugoatchef (1:07:28 AM): Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
JoyJemWhatever (1:07:54 AM): Man, I wish I had a clue.
Gozugoatchef (1:08:00 AM): lol
Gozugoatchef (1:08:50 AM): so is there anyway u could do that mushroom?
JoyJemWhatever (1:08:59 AM): >_>
JoyJemWhatever (1:09:25 AM): Wow, pressure.
JoyJemWhatever (1:09:28 AM): lol
Gozugoatchef (1:09:30 AM): lol
Gozugoatchef (1:09:36 AM): sorry :/
JoyJemWhatever (1:09:44 AM): Erm, I'll think about it, I've opened photoshop and everything.
Gozugoatchef (1:10:07 AM): sweet!
JoyJemWhatever (1:10:25 AM): If I start it and get fed up before anything happens then I shall let you know. If I never get round to it, then... I'm sure you'll survive.
Gozugoatchef (1:10:54 AM): k
Gozugoatchef (1:11:05 AM): so youll probably have it finished in like an hour?
JoyJemWhatever (1:11:21 AM): u_u
JoyJemWhatever (1:11:41 AM): I'm not going to give you any kind of deadline. I don't even know if I'm doing it yet. Jeez.
JoyJemWhatever (1:12:09 AM): It's like, gone 1 in the morning and I'm waiting for my bloke to get home so I can sleep all warm like.
JoyJemWhatever (1:12:23 AM): *shrugs & screams a little*
JoyJemWhatever (1:12:35 AM): What time is it there anyways?
Gozugoatchef (1:13:19 AM): lol
Gozugoatchef (1:13:24 AM): 5:13 pm
Gozugoatchef (1:13:30 AM): i was really really hoping u could do it
Gozugoatchef (1:13:35 AM): i tried contacting u yesterday
Gozugoatchef (1:13:40 AM): but i got no reply..
JoyJemWhatever (1:14:11 AM): I saw that someone had attempted some sort of IM that I didn't know, but my 'puter decided it was time to spaz out.
JoyJemWhatever (1:14:22 AM): So I never saw who it was that contacted me.
Gozugoatchef (1:14:38 AM): lol
Gozugoatchef (1:14:39 AM): it was me
Gozugoatchef (1:14:59 AM): :(
Gozugoatchef (1:15:14 AM): i really wanted to get your skills on this so bad ><
JoyJemWhatever (1:15:54 AM): >_> Flattery will get you nowhere hun. My head is set to splodey, anytime soon.
JoyJemWhatever (1:16:09 AM): Anyways, leave me to it, and if I do it, I do it - if I don't, I don't.
Gozugoatchef (1:21:40 AM): if you started now i reckon you could get it done in no time
JoyJemWhatever (1:22:11 AM): *sigh*
JoyJemWhatever (1:22:29 AM): You do realise that you are being kidn of rude, yes?
JoyJemWhatever (1:22:33 AM): kind*
Gozugoatchef (1:22:58 AM): well im sorry im not all posh and polite like the people you artists are used to
JoyJemWhatever (1:23:04 AM): Haha.
JoyJemWhatever (1:23:20 AM): I'm not posh, and I don't know many people that are.
JoyJemWhatever (1:23:28 AM): Polite, however...
Gozugoatchef (1:23:44 AM): its just a 200x200 pic!
Gozugoatchef (1:23:49 AM): please, :D?
JoyJemWhatever (1:24:57 AM): Listen, I'm kind of busy right now and I'm under no obligation to jump to what you're after. If it is 'just a 200x200' pic, then you should be able to find someone who has enough time to do it easily.
Gozugoatchef (1:25:35 AM): do you know someone?
JoyJemWhatever (1:25:44 AM): Why do you need it in such a hurry?
Gozugoatchef (1:26:08 AM): i wanna show it off to my friends
Gozugoatchef (1:26:10 AM): :D
JoyJemWhatever (1:26:27 AM): I have to go. Sorry I can't be of any help.
Gozugoatchef (1:26:35 AM): .......
Gozugoatchef (1:26:43 AM): know any1 online that can
Gozugoatchef (1:26:44 AM):?
JoyJemWhatever (1:27:41 AM): I know a couple of people that could do it, but none that will drop their work.
JoyJemWhatever (1:27:53 AM): As I said, sorry I can't be of any help.
Gozugoatchef (1:28:06 AM): can u tell me one who might do it's screen name
JoyJemWhatever (1:28:10 AM): You can probably do it yourself.
Gozugoatchef (1:28:16 AM): i told u
Gozugoatchef (1:28:18 AM): im a shocking artist
JoyJemWhatever (1:28:32 AM): I don't know any other artists online - well, except one, but he'd never do it.
Gozugoatchef (1:28:40 AM): rly why?
JoyJemWhatever (1:28:45 AM): Too busy.
JoyJemWhatever (1:29:03 AM): Maybe one of your mates can help you out.
Gozugoatchef (1:29:11 AM): ..
Gozugoatchef (1:29:20 AM): u think id be asking u if they could?
Gozugoatchef (1:29:35 AM): come on dont cha think ive tried everything else?
JoyJemWhatever (1:30:04 AM): *gallic shrug*
JoyJemWhatever (1:30:32 AM): Anyways, I have stuff I need to do. It was nice 'meeting' you. Good luck.
Gozugoatchef (1:30:45 AM): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 1
Gozugoatchef (1:30:54 AM): what a great help uve been
Gozugoatchef (1:31:00 AM): u pretty much just got up my hopes
Gozugoatchef (1:31:03 AM): then bombed me
JoyJemWhatever (1:31:54 AM): >_<
JoyJemWhatever (1:32:29 AM): It would be so easy to be a dick right now, but I don't like being a jerk.
Gozugoatchef (1:33:00 AM): come on
Gozugoatchef (1:33:02 AM): be a dick
JoyJemWhatever (1:33:07 AM): I don't have the time or inclination to do this, especially since you kept on at me, even after I asked you tro leave me to it.
JoyJemWhatever (1:33:15 AM): And, why would you want me to be a dick to you/
Gozugoatchef (1:33:20 AM): well i actually thought u were doing it
Gozugoatchef (1:33:27 AM): after i told u about the wall of blood
Gozugoatchef (1:33:33 AM): i actually thought u were starting it
Gozugoatchef (1:33:38 AM): so thanks for then BURNING me
JoyJemWhatever (1:34:09 AM): So, what, you are trying to guilt-trip me into doing it for you?
Gozugoatchef (1:34:22 AM): WOULD YOU?
JoyJemWhatever (1:34:32 AM): <_<
JoyJemWhatever (1:34:33 AM): No.
JoyJemWhatever (1:34:53 AM): Also, I wouldn't pester someone after they asked me to leave them to it after I asked them a favour.
Gozugoatchef (1:35:16 AM): wha wa what?
JoyJemWhatever (1:35:28 AM): This is silly. It is a simple picture and I have no doubt that you will find someone that can help you.
JoyJemWhatever (1:35:32 AM): Bye.
Gozugoatchef (1:35:39 AM): fuck you
Gozugoatchef (1:35:39 AM): bitch
JoyJemWhatever (1:35:49 AM): Haha
JoyJemWhatever (1:35:56 AM): Nice.
Gozugoatchef (1:36:00 AM): thanks
Gozugoatchef (1:36:06 AM): hope u die in a ditch tomorrow
Gozugoatchef (1:36:08 AM): cya later
Gozugoatchef signed off at 1:36:13 AM.
<_> Wow, think I'll finally get round to having my tubes tied after that little fiasco.
Some examples of this kid's level of stupidity can be viewed at: BLAMx1, BLAMx2, & BLAMx3
That was kinda amusing. What a little shit! 0_0
Yeah, I think I'll be more careful about who I accept IMs from in future. <_> Haha